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Same proven global classification process

We teach a proven and legally sound classification process specially designed by legal professionals that is simple to use and easy to apply. In our 2-day virtual training you will learn a completely new and simple to use method to classify quickly accurately and with total confidence. We also promise a classification process that you can use over-and-over again to classify any item, product or part under both the CCL (ECCN) and ITAR.

Same interactive and highly engaging training experience

We have transformed our 1-Day in-person training to a 2 Half-Day virtual training. Each training session includes hands-on activities, real-life practice exercises, testing and fun. We understand that on-line training and working from home is different. Unlike any other training program, Masters Method is designed by education professionals to actively engage, prevent burnout and on-line fatigue.

Virtual Training Platform

We utilize Zoom Conferencing software for an intimate and interactive training session, using both video and audio. Students will utilize Zoom Chat features for immediate questions and Zoom Breakout Rooms for many fun team/group activities.

Real Hands-On Learning with Real Hands-on Material

Prior to each training, all students will receive a special Masters Method "Training Activity & Materials Box” sent to their home or office address the week prior to the training. Each day students will engage in Activities that require the use of webcam, a microphone, and headphones. Please ensure your laptop/ computer has the right accessories so that you can fully engage in the training. 

Training Schedule

All trainings are scheduled Thursday through Friday. Each live training session will begin at 8:00 am PST and finish at about 12:00 pm PST. There will be one 20-minute break during each session. Each day will include various activities, group break-out sessions, testing and other fun surprises. 

Who should attend

Trade Compliance Professionals, Import/Export Team Members, Customs Brokers, Buyers, Engineers and Customer Service.  Whether you are a 20-year veteran or a brand-new classifier we guarantee an entirely new method and skill to quickly and accurately classify with consistency and confidence.

Our EXPORT Classification Training is the most popular training of its kind in the world! Over 3,000 trade and logistics professionals, engineers and buyers from virtually every industry have already experienced a Masters Method training. Our 2-Day Export Classification training covers classification under both the CCL (ECCN) and USML. We will teach you the skill to classify. We are the only proven, legally-sound method-based training out there! No other training simplifies the process better than Masters Method. We use our 7-step method to help you classify with efficiency and confidence as soon as the training is over. Walk out practiced, tested, and ready to implement!

After this training, students will have the skill and confidence to…

  • Use a legally sound and proven method to classify in both the CCL (ECCN) and USML with confidence, accuracy and speed

  • Correctly determine (Jurisdiction) and whether a product belongs under the CCL (ECCN) or the USML.

  • Understand the categories, group, layout and structure of both the CCL (ECCN) and USML

  •  Understand and apply the most common language and key words in both the CCL (ECCN) and USML

  • Use and apply the notes, technical notes and definition of terms to support the correct classification.

  • Quickly and easily apply “specially designed” and “catch and release” to support USML, CCL or EAR 99 classifications.

  • Identify and prioritize both internal and external resources to support the export classification process

  • Correctly document and legally defend all classifications using our Masters Method Defender Tool


Export Classification Training 

Export Classification 2 Half-Day Virtual Training Details

What you will learn

Export Class Schedule 

Last day to register: January 16

Last day to register: March 10

Last day to register: May 12

Last day to register: July 7

Last day to register: September 15

Last day to register: November 3

Last day to register: October 30

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